Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to stage your home!

Staging your home is an important part of selling it.

To spice up your home for staging try some of these for your exterior
~Have a fancy door, or patio, this would be good because first impressions are everything in selling a home
 ~ Make sure your back yard is cleaned up and the grass is green and looks health. Try putting nice furniture out on the patio and in the yard to make it look good.
~Gardens are every floral and attract people in. There colorful and provide calmness to everyone, so plant some flowers and get your garden on!

To make your interior look staged try some of these.
~Clean your house. Don't leave things on the floor, it will look really bad and people don't want to see a messy house.
~Put dishes put away! Dirty caulking? Replace it yourself and wipe it down with a sponge afterwards.
~ Try to fix those little defects.Worn out boards or linoleum? Toilet that doesn't quite flush? These seemingly easy repairs will leave a prospective buyer wondering what other repairs lurk beneath those floorboards. This will NOT get your house sold. .
~ The bedroom is for beds Besides the clutter they invariably drag with them, multi-purpose rooms make the house appear as if there aren't enough rooms in the house. Not a good sign to any buyer. The multi used room don't look every attractive.
~Olfactory sense The sense of smell doesn't just turn off when you look for a new home. In fact, it might go into overdrive due to the unfamiliar place, or in the search for offer-lowering defects. To keep that top dollar, remove any possible source of odor, and introduce sources of good smells, like open windows or baked goods.

If you use some of these ideas you are setting your self up for selling your home faster, staging your home is a very good idea for you to do.

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